My Zimbra email server cheat-sheet

My Zimbra email server cheat-sheet


Here you can find my list of useful Zimbra commands.

Relay or Route

Relay/Route emails to external smtp server

zmprov ma [email protected] zimbraMailTransport

Relay/Route all mail destined for a particular domain

md zimbraMailCatchAllAddress
md zimbraMailCatchAllForwardingAddress
md zimbraMailTransport

User management

Import user’s encrypted password

zmprov ma [email protected] userPassword '{crypt}$1$rV85sAyx$NGKPhhzAVJ/n7tKnxI4g4.'

Place user account into maintenance mode

This will prevent delivery of new mail messages until we finish with the backup procedure.

zmprov ma [email protected] zimbraAccountStatus maintenance

Domain management

Get list of domains

zmprov -l gad

Get list of all e-mail accounts for a domain

zmprov -l gaa domain.tld

Mailbox management

Get mailbox id

zmprov gmi [email protected]
zmprov getMailboxInfo [email protected]

Repair meta data for a mailbox

Do a verbose check for a mailbox id. This will generate a report

zmblobchk -m 3 -v start

Delete any items that have a missing blob and delete items without exporting.

zmblobchk -m 3 --missing-blob-delete-item --no-export start

Reindex a user mailbox

su - zimbra
zmprov rim [email protected] start
zmprov rim [email protected] status

Recalculate the mailbox quota usage and unread messages count

zmprov rmc [email protected]

Redirection and permissions

Fix Permissions

/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmfixperms --verbose --extended

Enable http and redirect to https

su - zimbra
zmtlsctl both
zmtlsctl redirect
zmcontrol restart

User mailbox backup and restore

backup user mailbox

/opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailbox -z -m [email protected] getRestURL "//?fmt=zip" > [email protected]

restore user mailbox

/opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailbox -z -m [email protected] postRestURL "//?fmt=zip&resolve=reset" [email protected]

(Change resolve=skip to resolve=modify or resolve=reset, as required, where:

  • resolve=reset will delete all mails and import only ones in backup
  • resolve=skip will skip and not replace and therefore make duplicate emails
  • resolve=modify will make duplicate

  • skip Restore deleted items Ignore existing items completely
  • modify Restore deleted items Update existing items to match backup (unread flags etc.)
  • reset Delete all contents of the account Restore the backup into the now empty account

defailt explanations

“skip” ignores duplicates of old items, it’s also the default conflict-resolution. “modify” changes old items. “reset” will delete the old subfolder (or entire mailbox if /). “replace” will delete and re-enter them.

“resolve=skip” ignores duplicates of old items, it’s also the default conflict-resolution. “resolve=modify” changes old items. “resolve=reset” will delete the old subfolder (or entire mailbox if /). “resolve=replace” will delete and re-enter them.

Manage MySQL in Zimbra

Check the MySQL database for corruption

/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdbintegrityreport -m -v

Activate MySQL backup

setting mysql_backup_retention to 3 will retain three rotating versions of mysqldump, allowing for a restore of all mysql date for the last three days:

zmlocalconfig -e mysql_backup_retention=3

location of mysql my.conf


login to mysql server

source ~/bin/zmshutil ; zmsetvars
mysql -u root --password=$mysql_root_password

Run mysqlcheck

/opt/zimbra/mysql/bin/mysqlcheck --defaults-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/my.cnf -S /opt/zimbra/db/mysql.sock -A -C -s -u root --password=$mysql_root_password